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Updated 11 Jan, 2018 10:45am

14 common nightmares almost everyone sees

Web Desk: Nightmares wake you up in the middle of the night, here are some common nightmare almost everyone sees and also hates.


This is the worst nightmare. You can feel the dread of impending doom before slamming into your bad and walking up.

Natural Disasters

Some people often see natural disaster like hurricane or earthquake.

Being shot

Due to stress disorder people experience mass shooting. It is also due playing video games.

Being Lost

You often see that you have lost somewhere, it is said that this nightmare signifies something in your life.


Many people suffer from varying degrees of arachnophobia. When you see them in a bad dream, it could mean different things. Interpretations range from feelings of being an outsider, strong feminine power or protection from self-destruction.

Waking up late

This dream could mean a fear of change or reluctance to take advantage of an opportunity.


Dreaming about death is your mind subconsciously accepting its own mortality.

Seeing dead people

This nightmare represents a fear of the unknown.

Poor test performance

Almost every student dreams about their poor performance in tests or exams. These nightmares given them that there is a lot more pressure to perform well in school. This represents insecurity.

Your partner leaving


This represents the deepest human fear abandonment.


Public nakedness is a nightmare that represents insecurity.

Missing meetings

Dreams like missing dentist appointment or wedding, ask someone that they need to work on their time management and they are not prepared in your waking life.


Some experts say that this represents fears or repressed emotions or you find yourself ugly.

Losing your teeth

This dream is the most common in the world. This nightmare had only been exacerbated. It represents that you might lack self confidence or be embarrassed about something.

Source: List25

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