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Updated 10 Jan, 2018 09:32am

12 amazing facts about Twins

Web Desk: Genetics and medical research are getting advanced day-by-day. There are many things which many people do not know. In fact, twins are at the forefront of this advancement thanks to their similar genes.

Here are 12 amazingly strange facts about twins you should know.

Moms of twins live longer than moms of without twins.

Nigerian has the highest rate of twin births while china has the lowest.

22% of twins are left handed compared with only 10% of singletons.

Twins have nearly same DNA but they have different fingerprints.

Twin will actually start to look less and less like each other over time.

Non-vegans are 5 times more likely to have twins. Consuming diary product may also increase ‘twin having’ potential.

Cryptophasia is a language created by young twins that only they understand.

Due to techniques like in vitro fertilization, twins can be born tears apart.

Having twins isn’t always good for the mother either. It could increase the risk of gestational hypertension.

Generally, twins are born with a low birthweight, they can also contribute to long term health problem like asthma.

Women in their thirties are more likely to have twins than women in their twenties.

Since 1980 the birthrate for twins has increased by over 70%!

Source: List25

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