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Published 05 Jan, 2018 06:44am

Female teachers seem more friendly and get more requests for favors

Web Desk: A study revealed that female teachers will probably get more demands from the students for marks increments or broadened task due dates than their male partners.

The study which was conducted in US Eastern Washington University says, in educational institutions women are more often face added work demands. Females reported as more friendly with their students.

The study discovered that this emotional attachment also leads to the special favour requests especially from those students who believed that they were deserving more marks, were likely to ask a female professor for extra favour and react negatively if those favours were denied.

According to the lead author of this study, Amani El-Alayli, “Our research provides more information about how students treat female professors, how they react to them when the professors stand their ground, and what kinds of students are particularly likely to treat female professors differently from male professors,”

“Students may perceive female professors as less fair than their male counterparts if female professors are expecting to expend exceptional effort to help out their students in unrealistic ways, thus resulting in worse evaluations,” She added.

Source: Hindustantimes

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