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Published 29 Dec, 2017 08:48am

8 strange foods that people will eat in future

Web Desk: The population rate of the world keeps on increasing. Due to imbalance ratio of population and limited resources, we will put very strange foods on our plates in the future.

These are the 8 food we will be eating in future.


According to UN Food and Agriculture Organization, at least 2 billion people in the world are consuming insects. As insects are high in fat, protein, vitamin, fiber and minerals, more people are likely to eat it in future.


Inventors and designers Michael Burton and Michiko Nitta suggested that humans can grow their own algae while breathing when wear a special mask.

Lab-grown meat

Lab-grown meat is a way to combat with greenhouse gas emissions, overfishing and animal welfare concerns. A company Memphis Meat already produces laboratory-grown meatballs using stem cells from animals.

3D-printed living foods

3D-printers can create objects from plastic and metal, they can also print, cook and serve food.

Edible water bottles

A London-based seaweed-tech introduced a plan to substitute plastic bottles with edible water bottles made with seaweed.

Fake fish and seafood

Fish and seafood can also be produced in laboratory. In 2002, scientists of Touro College managed to create small fish filets by dipping goldfish muscle into a fetal bovine serum.

Healthy food

The TellSpec’s food scanner can show customers the contents of the food on their plate. This device will warns you about chemicals and allergens and helps you track your vitamin intake.

Chewable coffee

Chewable coffee is already available on the market. This pocket coffee can improve focus and support optimal cognitive performance.

Source: Brightside

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