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Published 28 Dec, 2017 10:57am

8 Harmful effects of consuming coke daily

Web Desk: Cokes, soft drinks and sodas have become a part of our routine, especially youngsters consume it daily without even noticing it’s harmful effects.

Here is a list of 8 convincing reasons to refrain from drinking coke regularly.

Kidney failure

Diet version of coke contains artificial sweeteners that are way too unhealthy for your kidneys.

Risk of Cancer

The presence of benzene molecules in Coke and its plastic package, may cause cancer.

Heart and blood problems

Regular intake of coke make you suffer from high blood pressure. It also increases level of bad cholesterol and increase the chances of heart attack. It can also develop type 2 diabetes in women.

Skin problems

Coke severely impacts your skin due to the high level of sugar. It dehydrates the skin and causes fine lines and wrinkles. It accelerates skin aging, making it saggy and dull.


Regular consuming of coke can put on extra weight which increases the pressure on your immune and cardiovascular system as well as your joints and bones.


Coke contains caffeine, which causes anxiety, headaches, irritability, fatigue or depression.

Dental Erosion

The high-acidity and sugar ingredients of coke cause tooth enamel and cavities.

Vitamin Deficiency

Coke contains phosphoric acid which has a diuretic effect, starts washing nutrients and vitamins out of your body 60 minutes after you had the drink.

Source: Brightside

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