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Published 20 Dec, 2017 10:42am

8 benefits of consuming honey daily

Web Desk: Honey can be regarded as a magical pill for our body due to its benefits. It is only useful for us but delicious.

These 8 things will happen to your body if you start consuming one spoon of honey every day.

Flawless Skin

It has antioxidant and antibacterial properties, Therefore, daily consumption of honey will cleanse your skin and improve its condition.

Loss weight

Honey boosts your metabolism which is essential for losing weight.

Lower Cholesterol Level

Honey contains vitamins that decrease level of cholesterol. It’s antioxidant compound can fight against excess cholesterol.

Stronger Heart

Its antioxidant properties can prevent arteries from narrowing. Narrowing may lead to cardiac failure, memory deterioration or headache.

Better memory

Honey can fight against stress, restore the cellular antioxidant defense system and improve memory. It contains calcium which is ingested by the brain and enhances brain’s working.

Sound sleeping

Honey increases the insulin level in blood, which releases serotonin. This then transformed into melatonin, a hormone for quality sleep.

Healthier stomach

Consuming a spoon of honey on an empty stomach helps to prevent various disease of digestion. Honey also destroys germs and heals small wound in the mucous membrane.

Relieved nervous system

Honey helps to soothe the nerves and relieve fatigue. Its glucose is essential for the work of neurons that quickly absorbed in the blood and then relax psychological disorders.

Source: Brightside


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