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Published 19 Dec, 2017 10:43am

7 human body tricks to make your life easier

Web Desk: Sometime our body becomes hard to control. For example, some actions like sneezing and hiccups are occurred spontaneously.

But here are some ways to keep your body under control if you want to avoid any awkward situations.

If your leg falls asleep, shake your head

It is an unpleasant feeling when leg or arm falls asleep. Therefore, try to shake your head during it, this lead to the relaxation of your muscles.

Activate super memory with a sprig of rosemary

Rosemary can activate your hidden potential of memorizing. Learn whatever you want to at night, lie in bed and smell rosemary.

Hold your breath if you want to wake up faster

Holding breath will speeds up heart rhythm, this will send a command to turn on an active regime.

Warning: Don’t overdose it. Abrupt wakening is a serious stress on your heart.

If you have a cramp in the right side of your body while running, exhale when you step on your left foot

Similarly, when your left side of the body hurts, exhale when you steps on your right foot.

During running your blood flows, and without proper warm-up, it fails to spread evenly. Hence, overflows the liver and the spleen. These organs then start pressing on the diaphragm.

To get rid of hiccups, press an ice cube to your tongue

Press ice to your tongue or swallow a sugar cube. Close your ear with your palms and drink a glass of water through an straw in one breath.

Suck your thumb if something worries you

Sucking your thumb makes your heart beat slower and decreases blood pressure.

To avoid sneeze, press the skin of your nose bridge

When you irritate the skin on the nose bridge, your brain receives an alarm signal and puts the brakes on sneezing.

Source: Brightside

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