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Published 18 Dec, 2017 10:04am

5 ways to get rid of joint pain this winter

Web Desk: The winter brings joint pain and aches for many. According to the medical research, low temperature creates low air pressure which pushes less against our bodies. This causes our muscle tissue to expand and possibly put pressure on our joints.

Here are 5 easy-to-follow tips to avoid such pain.

Exercise Therapy

Regular exercise leads to combat stiffness, pain and improves general well-being. It also strengthens muscles which lets your body feel and move better.

Stay active and warm

Instead of sitting idle, stay active and warm. Inactiveness causes tissues to exert more pressure on the joints. Hence, stay active to keep the blood circulation healthy.

Stretch regularly

Stretching maintain our mobility and flexibility. Daily stretching can help to prevent injuries and manage a pain free life.

Drink plenty of water

Hydration leads to flexible muscles and also reduces chance of injury. Water is necessary for your joints to keep them lubricant and agile.

Eat healthy

Good nutrition provides strength to your bones. Consume foods that contain Omega-3 fatty acids, Vitamin K and Vitamin C, Vitamin D or fish oil. Milk yogurt, cheddar cheese, strawberries, kiwi, pineapple, eggs are also known for providing essential nutrients which have pain-soothing properties.

Source: Deccanchronicle

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