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Updated 18 Dec, 2017 07:03am

5 healthy benefits of consuming coffee

Web Desk: Caffeine is the most commonly used drugs in the world. It provides an energy which helps to wake up properly and keep us running throughout the day.

It is a general perception that consuming coffee can cause insomnia, restlessness or a fast heartbeat, but in actual coffee is good for your body.

Here are the 5 beneficial aspect of consuming coffee.

Heart disease

Almost 200 studies concluded that people who drank 3 to 4 cups of coffee per day were 19 percent less likely to die from cardiovascular disease.

Type 2 diabetes

Every additional cup of coffee one drinks per day was correlated with a 7 percent reduced risk for developing Type-2 diabetes.


Heavy coffee drinkers (who drink at least 3cups daily), have an 18 percent reduced risk for cancer. One who drink at least 1 cup daily, have 15 percent reduced risk for liver cancer and have 8 percent reduced risk for endometrial cancer.

Alzheimer’s disease and dementia

Regular coffee drinkers are approximately 16 percent less likely to suffer from Alzheimer’s dementia. It can even reduce bigger risk reductions for Alzheimer’s.


A study found that 1 cup of coffee each week lead to reduce 15 percent of depression whereas drinking 2 to 3 cups per day were associated with 20 percent reduced risk of depression.

Source: Deccanchronicle

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