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Updated 05 Dec, 2017 10:29am

High amount of red meat, dairy products are unhealthy in winters

Web Desk: Experts Suggest to avoid high amount of red meat and dairy products because they are not healthy in winters.

Nutritionist Bhavishya Wadhwan gave advice to intake Dry fruits, nuts, ginger, leafy vegetables in your daily meal. She also listed the things must be avoid in winters.

Dairy Products

Milk is a complete meal, but milk causes Phlegm and can thicken the Phlegm already present, which will irritate your throat more. So reduce its amount of intake.

Hot or Cold drinks

Hot coffee, chocolate and tea are supposed to be a symbol of winter. But it contains high amount of fat and caffeine. These drinks dehydrate your body, which leads to much thicker mucus.

Red Meat

Meat and eggs are the best source of protein, but high amount of protein can cause mucus in your throat. Fish and poultry meat are relatively safer than red meat.

Fried Food

Fried food build-up higher amount of calories than any other type of food.  It can also upset your stomach.

Non seasonal fruits

Off-season fruits are also available but they are not fresh. This also leads to illness and health issues. To boost body metabolism, you are advised to take citrus fruits.


High amount of sugar could disturb your immune system and reduce the ability of body to fight against bacteria.

Source: Indianexpress

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