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Updated 03 Oct, 2017 07:57am

Five damaging weight loss procedures you should avoid

WEB DESK: Everyone dreams of a slim and toned body but it is the hard work needed in getting one bother us the most. Many of us are disciplined enough to follow strict diets and hours of hardcore workout. However, in order to get desired result through shortcut, people often choose alternate ways which are not always fruitful. 


It is observed that smokers don't gain weight as much as non smokers do in some cases. There isn't any authentic researches done in this regard. Besides, smoking is associated with countless health risks, mainly cancer and heart disease. According to experts, smoking causes more deaths than HIV, alcohol and other injuries annually. Hence, if a smoker lose weight while putting his health at risk, would it be beneficial in long term ?

A plastic tongue patch

To stop yourself from stuffing foods that you like the most seem impossible and one simply want to sewed his/her mouth. This is what generated the idea of "tongue patch diet". According to Huffington Post, it is done by surgery which involves sewing a marlex patch to the person's tongue who wished to lose weight. This patch stops a person from eating due to immense pain and he relies on liquid diet for good 30 days. It is dangerous because anything sewn inside human body can become infected and it might cause long term damages.


People prefer stimulants to get rid of fat as soon as possible although experts impede them from doing so since these drugs are highly addictive. The concept of "speed diet" may show early results but it is damaging for your heart. Moreover, livestrong.com says caffeine too is considered a stimulant. Those herbal stimulants are not healthy entirely as they can cause heart irregularities, cancer and feelings of anxiousness.

Tube feeding

You might have heard about KE Diet which is a rapid weight loss program. It involves consuming 800 calories per day for 10 days. But, these calories aren't in solid form. It is basically a protein fat solution that directly delivered to your stomach through tube. It is appealing because it gives rapid result with almost zero efforts. People who buy it should read the disclaimer,"Your (dramatic weight loss) results may vary."

Restricting calories

When it comes to diet, everything makes sense even starving yourself. Since, it is a general concept that if more you eat the more you get fat so people think going opposite might help. Many weight conscious persons prefer to restrict calorie intake for rapid results. It is said that not eating for few hours might not be damaging but starving for longer period isn't healthy. Prolonged starvation can lead to cardiac arrest, organ failure or even worse death. Maintaining a healthy body isn't difficult but such unusual methods may give long term health issues.

Source: cheatsheet.com



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