WEB DESK: You put something somewhere at home and forget it when you need it the most, we are sure this must be happened to you at least once in life. But, there are people who go through such problems on daily basis.Â
Moreover, remembering or forgetting something also depends on priorities. If a task is essential to you, you possibly won't forget it. However, some people have this quality to keep everything in mind regardless of its worth. To be like those, you will only need to adopt some habits which are easy and yet can give you impressive memory.
Use your senses
We are not trying to be rude, but using your senses mean saying aloud what are you doing. For instance, if you are putting your keys to some unfamiliar place say, "I am putting these keys on the table in my room" aloud. By saying it this way you will register this piece of information in your ears. And, it help you in remembering where you put those keys later.
Embrace technology
Those built in calendars in smart phones are given to make your life easier. They will enable you about what tasks you will have to accomplished during the day.