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Published 21 Jul, 2017 05:59am

Stunning furniture made from 'old airplane' parts

WEB DESK: Furniture has great significance in our daily lives and over the years, it has changed a lot. From it's style to colour, you hardly seen any pieces that looks like yesteryear's furniture. 

However, in exhibitions, you may be able to get a sight of some antique pieces. And, it is always fascinating to visualize what your ancestors had used. The antique style and colour choices are often taken as an inspiration for modern day furniture.

But, we have found rare styled furniture which is made out of 'old airplane' parts and it is no doubt super stunning.

And, we are sure, it will make your jaws drop. Have a look!

Boeing 747 Jumbo Jet conference table

Vintage propeller prop coffee table

Desk made from Engine Cowl of a 747

Propeller table

A shower area is made with parts of jet engine

Desk wing right

Aircraft wing desk 

A ceiling fan made with jet engine

Kc-97 front landing gear door sink

Raf Mk1 practice cluster bomb drinks cabinet

Custom desk made from a cfm56 cowling from a Dc8

Source: Bored Panda 




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