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Published 19 Oct, 2016 09:55am

Nine Ice cube hacks that will make your life easy

WEB DESK: A bad day gone worse is when a piece of gum is stuck your clothes and it nearly seems an impossible task to take it out. But what you did not know is if you had a piece of ice cube, this would not have become this mountain of issue.

Try these nine ice cube hacks

Soothe plucked eyebrows

Plucking eyebrows will definitely give you a better look but the redness and pain caused by it can easily be remedied by applying ice cube on the affected area. It will help soothe the pain.

Remove dents in carpeting

Rearranging the furniture might be a hefty task, and the spaces where your heavy furniture was places is definitely an eye-soar. So the easy way to even out your carpet is to leave an ice cube on it.

Prevent stains from setting

Use as an eye mask

Mask the taste of medicine

Clean vases and bottles

Unstuck a sluggish disposal

Help your acne

Remove gum from clothing

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