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Published 14 Oct, 2016 08:58am

Five tips to make your laptop battery last longer

WEB DESK: We know this is the advanced technology era, and there probably a solution for everything but some times we stand in a jiffy thinking the tricks to find a solution for a dead battery.

Let it be smartphones or laptops, a dead battery is an issue to all mankind. Here are few tips and tricks to save your laptop battery.

1. Activate Your Laptop's Battery Saver or Eco Mode

Once you've turned on the automatic battery-saver tool, there are still plenty of steps to take to eke out even better efficiency. This is done by turning off unnecessary devices, adjusting settings to reduce power consumption, shutting down unwanted apps and processes, and adjusting your activities to use less power.

2. Disable Unused Devices and Ports

The easiest way to reduce power consumption is to simply turn stuff off. Every component in your laptop needs power to function, but that doesn't mean you need to power all of those components all of the time.

3. Care and Feeding of Batteries

It starts with taking care of the battery itself. If your system has a removable battery, take care not to damage the battery contacts. They connect the laptop to the battery, and if the contacts get dirty or damaged, it can reduce and disrupt the flow of power.

4. Battery Backup

The easiest way to ensure that you always have enough battery power is to bring along an extra; either a spare battery or an external battery pack. For laptops with a removable battery, the simplest option is a second battery.

5. Upgrade Components

Another option is to ditch the hard drive entirely, and upgrade to an SSD. These use flash memory to store data instead of a spinning disk, so there are no moving parts; this automatically makes them more energy efficient.



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