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Published 24 Oct, 2016 07:11am

Four ways you are ruining your iPhone battery

WEB DESK: Just as much everyone was waiting anxiously for the latest iPhone model to be released, there were two questions popping in everyone's minds. Will they increase the ridiculously shirt storage of 16 GB and will they improve on the battery life?

The first question was answered just as Apple introduced the lease storage iPhones to start at 32 GB, as for your other question, well did you think that the battery may not be lasting as long as it should because of you?

Here are four ways to save your battery. You can thank us later.

You’re charging to 100%

experts suggest letting your phone coast through the day between 30 and 80 percent full. That's where it's most comfortable, and will run most efficiently. So stop juicing it overnight, and instead go for shorter and more frequent bursts throughout the day.


You’re letting your phone die

Every full discharge wears down your battery ever so slightly. That being said, Apple and other experts suggest you let it fully run out of juice every one to two months to “calibrate” the battery gauge.

You’re using your wireless charger too much

Your mophie backup battery case is a godsend when you're out & about and need some extra juice to get home. But both your battery and the case itself emit heat during charging, which can do long term damage your device. To avoid overheating, try a portable power source that doesn’t attach to your phone.



You’re using the wrong charger

Your Apple-issued charger is designed to cut power when the battery hits 100%, but those cheapo unauthorized third-party USB cords are not, and may do some damage by excessively juicing the battery. Plus, ya know, they could kill you.



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