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Published 03 Sep, 2016 07:03am

Indian stars are least happy about latest PEMRA ban

WEB DESK: Recently, it was reported that PEMRA cut short the cable time for Indian dramas to six minutes per hour, as imposed by PEMRA chief Absar Alam. Now the stars across the border are none to happy about this ban.

According to the Hindustan Times, one of the highly famous actress, Divyanka Tripathi was not at all happy with the ban, and believed that the decision will affect the shared cultural heritage.

“This decision will definitely affect the cultural exchange between the two countries. I have grown fond of Pakistan due to the love I have got from my fans there. We connected over my show. Does the [Pakistani] government want to cut off the mutual ties that exist now?” she says.

Actor Hiten Tejwani is surprised with the decision. He finds it sudden and “unfathomable”. “The Pakistani government should allow more Indian shows to be aired. Why should all channels, actors and fans suffer because of this blanket order? People should understand that entertainment shouldn’t be targeted,” he says.

Actor Iqbal Khan feels people will watch their favourite shows one way or the other. “Nothing can stop entertainment. People who love Indian shows will find a way to watch them, be it online or through pirate means,” says the actor.

Only time tell if these are actors are rightfully worried or not.

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