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Published 01 Sep, 2016 07:01am

Diet tips that help you stay healthy as you lose weight

WEB DESK: Eating right -that should be your mantra if you want to lose weight and maintain it. Sometimes we just stop eating some foods thinking they are harmful for us. But the truth is that we should eat everything in moderation, and not avoid certain foods unless of course, the doctor tells us to.

Have an egg every morning

Having an egg or two for breakfast is one of the wis est things you could do if you wanted to control your weight. Artificially flavoured, processed and pre sweetened breakfast cereals could give you a lot of unwanted kilos. Eggs give us the protein and vitamins our body needs and helps us stay full for longer.

Have fish twice a week

Increasing your oily fish consumption is important. They are a storehouse of a lot of essential nutrients and omega 3s. It has been found that it is good for your heart, skin and also great for weight loss.

Say yes to meat sometimes
Having red meat every other day may not be good but once in a while (two-three times a month) in moderate amounts, it is okay. Nutritionists have found that meat has essential protein and it also makes you feel full for longer.

Avoid nibbling food all day

Snacking in between meals, nibbling on something or the other leads to unmindful eating. You end up eating far more calories than you actually require. Stick to your basic timely meals that are balanced with portions of proteins, carbs and vegetables.

Grab that bottle of water

Expensive juices, fizzy drinks, and smoothies that are not home-made, can prove to be expensive, and not just monetarily . It has been found that these sugary drinks are the reason for your flabby tummy . Have water when you are thirsty. You could also sip on antioxidant-rich green teas. Staying hydrated throughout the day keeps your system in perfect condition.

Don't say no to butter ghee always

Do you say no to whole milk? Studies have found that that the cream in whole milk has many vitamins and o n l y around f o u r p e r cent fat which is not so bad at all. Having a man-made bread spread instead of natural butter may not be all healthy either.

Opt for home-cooked meals

Ready-to-eat or prepackaged, over processed foods contain chemicals that could have harmful implications in the long run. Home-cooked meals are not just cheaper, but are more nutritious. Studies have found that people who eat out tend to have weight and health issues.

With reference from Fitness Magazine

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