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Published 29 Aug, 2016 07:23am

Natural home fresheners to make your home smell divine

WEB DESK: Buying air fresheners seems to be the best way to mask bad odours at home. While they do a good job of making the home smell nice and fragrant, many of these artificial air fresheners, even though they might be enjoyable end up doing harm than good to your health.

A lot of breathing problems related to asthma have been associated with these, while headache, nasal irritation or soreness in throat too are symptoms which some people face when they encounter synthetic fragrance.

The best solution to this is using all-natural air fresheners which are as effective in making your home smell divine. Using natural ingredients like essential oils, herbs, flowers, you can come up with blending divine scents right at your home.

Incense sticks

Incense sticks or coils made from aromatic plants or herbs give out a heavenly fragrance. They are usually combined with essential oils and the variety of fragrances to choose is endless. Indians have had a tradition of burning incense sticks regularly in the evening which was meant to be beneficial for the household.

Aroma candles

Candles with scented aroma are perfect way to fill your house with aromatic scents. Keep in mind however to avoid those with synthetic fragrances which can have chemical compounds. Opt instead for natural candles made from a special blend of beeswax or soy wax. These also contain pure essential oils and natural elements which help them burn longer. They are thus far safer than synthetic candles.

Make use of coffee

Coffee lovers just love to wake up to the smell of fresh coffee, whether it is being grinded, brewed or coffee beans being baked in the oven. The smell is sure to cheer you up while also absorbing strong odors like onions and garlic. Place coffee grounds into the kitchen dust bins to keep disgusting garbage odors at bay.

Use dried potpourri

Not only does it look good for decoration, potpourri leaves your home smell amazing. Try to use naturally scented potpourri while avoiding the synthetically blends ones with preservatives in it. You can make your own by customizing the fragrances with all sorts of different scents by using dried fruit, herbs, spices and essential oils.

Air Freshener Gels

Completely free of any toxins, these allergy-safe air freshener gels come in a variety of fragrances. The best part is that you can try making them at home too using easily available ingredients like essential oils of your choice. Taking any oils from lavender, basil, orange, rosemary and gelatine in a jar and easy to follow instructions the do-it-yourself gels are ready in no time at all.

Cleaning the air without a scent

Soaking up odors without leaving any scent of it's own, baking soda is a great air freshener for people with asthma. You can keep open boxes of baking soda in the refrigerator, in cabinets, and in closets or drawers to clear away odors. Sprinkle baking soda in trashcans, and put it in your vacuum bag for a fresh scent while cleaning.

Get baking

Even baking something as simple as lemons can help you get rid of kitchen odors. Simply slice couple of lemons and bake them and once done turn off the heat, and open the oven door. The other best bakes would be cakes, cookies or brownies which you can enjoy eating too later.


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