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Published 05 Aug, 2016 07:31am

How to long last your manicure?

WEB DESK: Just had an expensive nail manicure and worried it might chip away soon? It inevitably happens, but here are ways that can help. Presenting tips to salvage the situation.

  • Take some white vinegar on cotton and wipe your nails with it before applying the base. This removes unwanted excess oils.
  • Do not soak the nails though this is common practice. This makes the nails expand and shrink later, causing the polish to look lumpy.
  • Apply the base coat in the right manner. Do not ignore the tips as that is where the chance of chipping is the highest.
  • Use a sparkly lacquer as your top coat.
  • Always use a cuticle oil on the nails.
  • Never shake the nail polish bottle up and down as this creates air bubbles which will manifest in the nails. Instead, just roll the bottle between your hands.
  • Never dry the nails with hot air. You may dip your fingernails in ice to do so.

With inputs from Times of India


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