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Published 04 Aug, 2016 01:26pm

'Pakistan acting against all terrorist groups without distinction'

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan on Thursday has once again emphatically stated that it is taking action against all the terrorist groups without any distinction.

Commenting on the Pentagon's decision not to provide 300 million dollars to Pakistan in military reimbursements, Foreign Office Spokesperson Nafees Zakariya at his weekly news briefing here reminded that Pakistan has suffered more than any other country in the war on terror both in terms of human and economic losses.

‘Sixty thousand people including six thousand security personnel have lost their lives in this war.’

He said the operation Zarb-e-Azb has seen a resounding success due to which last bastions of terrorists in the tribal areas have been cleared, adding ‘Pakistan will continue its fight against terrorism with firm resolve and determination and will ensure that the cleared areas do not slide back to the terrorists’.

Responding to a question about the proscription of Jamaat-e-Ahrar by the United States, the spokesperson said Pakistan welcomes the decision.

‘Pakistan has long been pleading to take concrete action against the TTP and other groups which are perpetrating attacks in Pakistan while operating from Afghanistan.

To a question, Zakariya said the primary objective of border management with Afghanistan is to regulate the movement of people and avert the incursions of terrorists and undesired elements.

He said the two sides have evolved a mechanism to discuss the border related issues.

However, he added, ‘We are surprised and disappointed over the recent statements of Afghanistan over the construction of gate at Torkham’.


On the Kashmir dispute, the spokesperson said Pakistan will continue to extend moral, political and diplomatic support to the Kashmiri people in their just struggle to the right of self determination.

He said Pakistan has strongly taken up with the international community and the human rights organizations the recent wave of atrocities unleashed by the Indian troops in the held valley over the last one month.

The spokesperson reminded that Kashmir is an international issue and there are several UNSC resolutions on it.

About the stranded Pakistani people in Saudi Arabia, the spokesperson said Pakistani mission there has taken adequate steps to address their problems. ‘To a great extent, the crisis is over.’- Radio Pakistan


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