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Updated 30 Jul, 2016 09:11am

Traffic noise increases heart attacks

The high octane fast paced city life style is simply not good for your health, and living near highway or a bustling marketplace can take a good toll on your heart.

A latest research has revealed that risk of heart attack shoots up with the amount of traffic noise to which one is exposed. According to Business-Standard, the study conducted by Andreas Seidler from the Germany's Dresden University of Technology, evaluated information on over a million Germans .

The study found that the people at the greatest risk of heart diseases is for those living near road and rail traffic noise, and is less for those living near airports, researchers said. The researchers were of the view that the lower risk from aircraft noise can be explained by the fact that, unlike road and rail traffic noise, aircraft noise do not continuously remain above 65 dB (decibel).

The study analyses patients who died of heart attack up to 2014/2015, a statistically significant association was discovered between noise exposure and the risk of heart attack.

The Zee News reported, that the results not only show an association between traffic noise and heart attack, it also means that one has to take intensive efforts to curb traffic noise.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2016

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