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Updated 01 Oct, 2014 08:53am

Authorities hell-bent upon damaging Urdu language: Gilani

ISLAMABAD: The veteran Hurriyet leader Syed Ali Gilani has expressed serious concern over removal of Urdu language under a conspiracy from one after another government institution in the territory.

Syed Ali Gilani in a statement said that the Indian authorities were hell- bent upon damaging the Urdu language, KMS reported.

Lashing out at local authorities, the veteran leader said, "They are following the dictates from Delhi with their eyes shut. We do not nourish hate or enmity against any language. However, Urdu being national language of Jammu and Kashmir serves identification for the Muslims living in South Asia."

He was reacting to the issuance of ration card forms by the authorities in English instead of Urdu language.

"It is the second most important language next to Arabic and Persian. It serves a purpose of communication between all parts of the territory including Azad Kashmir," he added.

"It is a national language of the disputed territory, yet it is reeling under tremendous onslaught through different means and conspiracies and is now on the verge of extinction," he feared. "Despite being official language, the authorities, under a deep rooted conspiracy, have replaced Urdu by English in every department including education."

"Now the department of Consumer Affairs and Public Distribution has also issued ration card forms in English," he deplored lashing out at the puppet authorities for being "mute spectator to everything which is detrimental to Kashmiris' collective cause."

"There is huge treasure of Islamic literature including translation of and commentaries on holy Quran, traditions of holy Prophet (SAW) and Islamic history in Urdu. Learning Urdu is indispensable for every Muslim in the whole South Asia," he stressed university and college students to stand firm against those doing mischief with Urdu language.


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