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Published 17 Jan, 2014 05:10am

US lawmakers: Pakistan will receive dollars on the release of Afridi

WASHINGTON: "Shakil Afridi, the doctor who helped CIA track Osama Bin Laden should be released by CIA; then only Pakistan will receive 33$ million", a condition set by US lawmakers.

This condition was thoroughly discussed and taken by Federal Republicans and Democrats. They have asked for the removal of all such allegations from Shakil Afridi and to release him.

Shakil Afiridi was arrested right after US troops tracked down and killed Osama Bin Laden. Islamabad branded the raid a violation of sovereignty and US relations fell to an all-time low.

Afridi was appointed by CIA to run a vaccination program in Abbottabad in order to gain access to Laden's DNA samples, but Doctor Shakil Afridi unfortunately could not gain quite access in collecting samples of the family members.

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