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Published 13 Jan, 2014 07:49am

KP government announces Rs5mn for Aitzaz Hasan's family

PESHAWAR: Khyber Pakhtunkhuwa Government announced to award martyred Aitzaz Hassan's family Rs 5mn..

Aitzaz Hassan was a student of class IX. He was heading off for school, when he saw a man who was moving towards the gate of the school. He was carrying an explosive with him and was about to blow himself off; once he entered the school.

Aitzaz saw his suspicious movement and ran towards him. He did not let the bomber enter the school. The suicide bomber blew him self off outside the gate which killed Aitzaz.

Aitzaz saving the life of his friends, teachers and colleagues sacrificed his life. He has been declared a "Great Hero" by the Khyber Pakhtunkhuwa Provincial Government.

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf Leader Imran Khan expressing his disappointment with KP Chief Minister Pervaiz Khattak, said that the CM should have visited the family of Aitzaz Hassan who sacrificed his life for saving other hundreds of children present in school.

Imran said the KP government should have issued statement over the incident and family of the late student and the chief minister should have visited his house. He also announced that his party would take care of Aitzaz’s family.

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