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Published 29 Jun, 2012 11:25am

Finance Ministry: POL prices to be cut by 18pc from July 01

Talking to APP, an official informed that the price of petrol will be decreased by Rs.5.2 while price of HOBC will be cut down by Rs.6.44.

Similarly, Kerosine oil and High Speed Diesel will be reduced by Rs.2.54 and Rs. 2.48 respectively. The price of Light Diesel will be decreased by Rs.2.86.

The official sources said the Ministry of Finance has signed the summary of the new prices of petroleum products and sent it to the concerned department for formal announcement.

He also opined that the provincial governments should ensure that the benefit of the reduced prices is passed on the common consumers.

The provincial government should also make concrete steps to reduce transports fares in the light of decrease in prices of petroleum products, he said.

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