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Updated 29 May, 2012 11:45am

ISI chief cancels visit to US

The newly-appointed chief was scheduled to meet his American counterpart Director of Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), David H. Petraeus.

According to an American newspaper, the Washington Post, speculations are that the cancellation of  ISI spymaster's visit to US has come in the wake of US remarks over imprisonment of Dr. Shakil Afridi.

Dr Shakil Afridi, who helped the CIA in tracking down world's most wanted man, Osama Bin Laden, by conducting a hoax polio campaign in Abottabad, was convicted for treason and sentenced by the court for 33 years. Later, US had expressed its outrage over the imprisonment of Dr. Shakil Afridi.

It is speculated that the spymaster has snubbed the visit because of America's critical remarks over Dr. Shakil's imprisonment. However, Pakistan military in a brief statement, has said that Islam canceled the trip because of “pressing commitments here" and that "there is no other reason" for postponing the visit.

The ISI and CIA are currently working on deciding a new date for the meeting.

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