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Updated 18 May, 2012 07:08am

Zahid Bukhari refuses to appear before memo commission

Talking to the media, he said that he would continue boycott of the meeting. He said that he would not attend meeting of the commission after its unconstitutional act of recording evidences after completing final arguments. He further stated that Hussain Haqqani will file appeal in the Supreme Court against its verdict and raise objections in the judgment.

The commission probing memogate scandal will meet at Islamabad High Court on Friday. Opponents in the case have been ordered to appear before the commission.

Secretary Memo Commission will present forensic report of electronic evidences presented by Mansoor Aijaz, the man in the center of memogate scandal. Chief Justice Balochistan High Court Justice Faez Eisa will head the meeting. The commission had issued notice to both the parties involved in the case. Agencies

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