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Published 15 May, 2012 08:09am

Lady Gaga not permitted for concert in Indonesia

The Islamic Defenders' Front, had threatened to block Gaga's planned June 3 concert, saying she promoted Satan worship and homosexuality.

"We made the decision after considering objections from various Muslim groups who deem that Lady Gaga's stage act is not compatible with our culture," national police spokesman Boy Rafli Amar said.

The decision is likely to anger local Little Monsters, as fans of Lady Gaga are known.

More than 30,000 tickets have been sold for the concert at the Bung Karno national stadium, according local media.

"If it's true that the concert has been cancelled, its very sad for us," said Semi Winarsih, a Gaga fan.

The Twitter account of Gaga fans in Indonesia said promoters Bid Daddy Entertainment had yet to say whether the concert was off.

"We will continue to help Big Daddy so that the concert can be held as scheduled and of course we need your support," an accountpost said.

International acts are flocking to Indonesia, the world's largest Muslim-majority country, taking advantage of its strong economy and a growing middle class with disposable income.

In the last year, pop stars such as Katy Perry, Justin Bieber and Kylie Minogue have performed in Indonesia.

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