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Updated 16 May, 2012 10:49am

Punjab Assembly adopts Bahawalpur, South Punjab resolutions

The Punjab Assembly presented a scene of loud slogan bashing from PML-N members for the Prime Minister and support from PPP members for their PM.

After the ministers were done shouting Go Gilani and Pro Gilani slogans at the same time; the Punjab Assembly finally came to a resolve and unanimously adopted the Bhawalpur and South Punjab resolution, today. Aaj News reported.

The resolution, moved forward by Law Minister, Rana Sanaullah, demanded that Bhawalpur should be given back its status of a province and a border should be drawn in Punjab and South Punjab should be declared a seperate province.

The three parties, PML-N, PML-Q and PPP had already decided to approve the resolution during their meetings, earlier.

PML-Q and PPP were routing for making South Punjab a separate province while PML-N was routing for the restoration of Bhawalpur province.

On the other hand, Imran Khan is staging rallies and protests in support of the Judiciary whereas, MQM play a role of silent spectator, as PML-Q, PML-N and PPP pass swift resolutions to weaken each other's political strongholds.

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