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Updated 07 May, 2012 12:05pm

Lyari: Residents take a sigh of relief, for 48 hours

Giving the alleged criminals of Lyari, a streaky deadline of 48 hours, Malik said that the Government has now realized that forceful activities would not be enough to put an end to the Lyari matter. The government has formed a committee comprising of Food Minister Nadir Magsi and Ayatullah Durrani to try and end the Lyari matter through negotiations.

Ever since the police and security forces set base in Lyari's affected areas, Life in Lyari was at its worst.

Local residents who had nothing to do with either sides were left confined in their homes without food, water, power, and proper sanitation.

After the announcement, residents are trying to go on about their daily lives. Schools and businesses have reopened and business activity  is slowly and gradually getting back to its normal routine.

Due to grenade and rocket attacks carried out by the gangsters hidden deep within Lyari, certain areas still remain without electricity and water supply forcing residents to move to other safer places like Baldia Town.

IG Shah said that the Sindh government had decided to provide facilities to the public, as the operation had left the people of Lyari facing extreme shortages of basic necessities, while on the other hand, battered residents of Lyari are moving out in increasing numbers everyday, pursuing of a better life elsewhere.

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