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Published 27 Apr, 2012 08:31am

Pakistan refuses conditional participation in Chicago conference

Government sources confirm, that Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar, briefed the defense committee in the  meeting of Federal Cabinet on April 17.  She said that her American counterpart, Hilary Clinton had suggested that Pakistan should re open the NATO supply routes before taking part in the Chicago Conference.

To which, the defense committee advised FM Khar to not accept any conditions brought forward by her American counterparts.

Sources confirm, that after reviewing the situation at highest of levels, a decision has been made to not accept anymore American pressure and remain absent from the upcoming Chicago Conference.

Pakistan has expressed it's demands clearly that in order to repair relations between the two countries and reopen the NATO supply routes, the U.S would have to make amends according to the Parliament's recommendations.

The Chicago Conference is said to be an important discussion forum for the Afghanistan issue.

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