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Published 07 Mar, 2012 02:30pm

#StopKony: The African who trains child-soldiers

Joseph Kony is known as the leader of one of Africa's many armies called Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA). He started out in Uganda before expanding to other bordering countries in Africa.


Joseph trains children to become soldiers. He kidnaps them and trains them. Those who refuse or protest are killed those who accept to follow his lead he makes them kill people, sometimes there own families first.

These child-soldiers are maimed and ordered to kill others with guns and weapons in their hands.

Mr. Kony founded his own rebel group which for a period of 19 years went on to abduct thousands of children to become fighters or sex slaves.

Mr Kony himself is thought to have at least 60 wives, as he and his senior commanders take the pick of the girls they capture.

He sees himself as a spirit medium.

Young abductees, who have escaped from the LRA, say that Mr Kony would tell them he got his instructions from the Holy Spirit and would often preach in tongues.

"I will communicate with Museveni through the holy spirits and not through the telephone," he once said.

He has created an aura of fear and mysticism around himself and his rebels follow strict rules and rituals.

"When you go to fight you make the sign of the cross first. If you fail to do this, you will be killed," one young fighter who escaped from the LRA told Human Rights Watch.

"You must also take oil and draw a cross on your chest, your forehead, and each shoulder, and you must make a cross in oil on your gun. They say that the oil is the power of the Holy Spirit."

The Invisible Children...

Joseph Kony has kidnapped over sixty five thousand (65,000) children in Africa, so far. Some sources speculate that the number of children abducted and turned into soldiers exceeds 100,000.  Apart from that, he is solely responsible for destroying more than two million homes and lands all over Africa.

The organisation called Invisible Children have started a campaign against this child-enslaving tyrant.

Invisible Children has had some success late last year when American President Barack Obama promised 100 US troops to provide help to the Ugandan army in dealing with Joseph Kony in the battlefield and eventually removing him.  The President’s move came in part due to the NGO’s tremendous advocacy efforts, but Invisible Children’s methods have come in for searing criticism; most scathingly, they have been labeled as “neo-liberal, do-good Whiteness”.

After this defeat, Mr Kony founded his own rebel group which over the next 19 years went on to abduct thousands of children to become fighters or sex slaves.

Joseph Kony still remains at large as the world raises voice against him or rather for him, to make him famous so that the world can do something to eradicate his existence from this world.

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