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Updated 27 Feb, 2012 10:10am

“By-polls are a fraud”: Imran Khan

Speaking to the media on Monday, he said  “Holding by-polls on ten constituencies is I think fraud with people of Pakistan because the elections were held on previous bogus electoral rolls… We don’t accept the result,”

He expressed his worries, saying that PPP government would interfere with the upcoming general elections and as a result the next election would also be fixed and unfair like this one.  "They are afraid of PTI", he added.

He said that the leadership of both PPP and PML-N are deceiving the country and have no plans to look into the corruption going on in the country. He said that both Asif Zardari and Nawaz Sharif faced corruption cases therefore the bill on Corruption remains unapproved by the National Assembly for the last four years.

"They always join hands for their common and personal interests,” he said.

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