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Updated 24 Feb, 2012 01:46pm

Court orders man to apologise to his wife on Facebook

The man named Mark Byron was found guilty of posting verbally harassing comments about his separated wife on the social networking site. His attempt to rationalize the profound act was his saddening feelings about his child custody battle with his wife. How ever in doing so, he breached a court order which now gives protection to his  wife Elizabeth and their son.

Mark was convicted of domestic violence against his wife last year which is also a vital reason for their separation.

Despite the court’s order, Byron took to Facebook to share his anger about the breakdown of his marriage and his child custody battle.

“If you are an evil, vindictive woman who wants to ruin your husband's life and take your son's father away from him completely - all you need to do is say that you're scared of your husband or domestic partner and they'll take him away!”, he wrote on Facebook, according to local court records. Consequently, Cincinnati magistrate Paul Meyers has forced Byron to apologize to his estranged wife on Facebook and keep the post on the site for 30 days, or face a 60-day of jail time.

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