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Updated 18 Feb, 2012 07:11am

Mighty US shows concern over Hafiz Saeed’s public appearance

The rally which also marked a public appearance by Maulana Hafiz Saeed and other religious leaders with anti-US policies, was a prime example of their influence over the city and hatred against the UN and American forced supremacy over Pakistan.

The rally was arranged to record protest and gather local and national support against the UN attack on Pakistan borders which resulted in martyrdom of 24 Pakistani Soldiers.

The press release issued by US State Department said that the internationally sanctioned Lashkar e Taiba and Jamaat ud Dawa are associates with the al Qaeda.

It said that “We have and continue to urge the government of Pakistan to uphold its obligations in accordance with UN Security Council resolution 1267/1989.

Jamat-ud-Dawa has been operating in Pakistan as a religious and aid organization. After the Mumbai attacks in 2008, The West (UN) and India declared the organization as a terrorist organization.

Certain elements of the JuD and LeT are believed to be the alleged operators and masterminds behind the Mumbai 2008 attacks.

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