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Published 15 Feb, 2012 07:02am

Afghanistan and the number ‘39’

He had been allocated the dreaded number 39, which is associated with pimps in the minds of superstitious Afghans, and shunned as a bad omen.

'I am stuck with this number and I am quite embarrassed,' the student said on condition of anonymity.

He will probably be bullied and harassed the entire university year, he said, 'not exactly my idea of college life.'

No one is sure how the number 39 got such a bad reputation, even unluckier than number 13 in the West. Some believe that a pimp in the western province of Herat once had a car plate with the number 39. Whatever the reason, most Afghans will avoid phone numbers, car licence plates or anything else with the number 39 in it.

In November, during a grand assembly of around 2,000 tribal elders and political leaders in Kabul, the members of committee number 39 demanded a renumbering of the committees.
That incident cemented the number's status as an acknowledged bad omen.
But now several activists have rallied to the number's defence and are campaigning to lift its stigma.
'As if there were not enough problems here in Afghanistan,' Seddiq Afghan, a mathematician and popular television figure, told dpa.
In the weeks following the tribal meeting, he painted a big 39 in the rear window of his car, and spoke out strongly against tarring 'one number with such a reputation.'
Stigmatizing the number 39 adds an unnecessary problem to the country's long list of very real ones, he said.
The superstition is also affecting the country's international standing, he said. 'The neighbours and international community make fun of us Afghans for being so simple that we take one number so seriously.'
The mathematician studied the number and came up with some interesting trivia for his campaign. He then published pamphlets laying out the positive, even sacred connotations, of the maligned number.
Prophet Mohammed became a messenger of God after 39 years and 39 weeks, according to one pamphlet. 'He wouldn't have become a prophet if he never entered the 39th year of his life,' Afghan said.
A woman normally gives birth to a child after 39 weeks of pregnancy, another pamphlet points out.
Many young Afghans have joined the cause and started campaigns in defence of 39 by putting the number in their cars and using it to replace their profile photo on social networking website Facebook.
Najib Amiri, a 23-year old student, has added a campaign against 39-haters to his Facebook page. That page, called Afghanistan, is one of the country's biggest, with more than 65,000 followers, and deals with a wide range of topical issues. The superstition of the grand assembly shocked Amiri. 'Those people were gathered to advise our president and to decide the future of Afghanistan,' he said.

Many people pay bribes of up to 300 dollars to the traffic department to avoid being issued a number plate containing 39. 'At one point, the traffic department said they could not issue any more number plates because the numbers had gone into the 39,000s,' Amiri said. 'People stop registering and waited for months.'

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