Aaj English TV

Tuesday, December 24, 2024  
21 Jumada Al-Akhirah 1446  

Shortest Day of the Year 2011 today

Today,the Winter Solstice, is the shortest day of the year and marks the start of Winter.

According to Meteorology Department, on Dec 22, the sun would rise at 7:06 AM and set at 5:07 PM.

The day would be 10.1 hour long.

Henceforth, the days would start lengthening and nights shortening form Dec 23.

The last December 23 solstice occurred in 1903 and will not occur again until the year 2303. A December 20 solstice has occurred very rarely, with the next one occurring in the year 2080.

The earth, from the perspective of the North Pole, will be tilting as far away from the sun as it will all year tonight. At the time, the sun will be passing over the Tropic of Capricorn.

The solstices occur twice a year (around December 21 and June 21) because Earth is tilted by an average of 23.5 degrees as it orbits the sun—the same phenomenon that drives the seasons.